

Who Wears Who?

Finally, scientists took the time to discover what I knew all along from my "clinical" experience: Our body chemistry enhances perfume's odour. We pick scents based on how they interact with our body chemistry. This is supposed to have some biological functions on choosing mates and what not.

Unlike most mass-produced perfumes on the market, which are designed to interact with paper strips and fabric ribbons - I treat the wearer's skin as the finishing touch to my creations. It is the "last ingredient" - only that it is not added to the vial (most perfumers do not work like Grenouille!) - but serves as the receptacle itself, upon which the perfume will develop and unfold.  

Perfume DVD Released Today

Perfume: The Story of a Murderer was released on DVD today, July 24th 2007. If you didn't make it to the theatres to watch the odd story of a mythical perfumer psychopath that had no scent of his own, you can now watch it at the leisure of your own home while sniffing your way through your own homemade enflourage... I am curious to see what the special features are in this DVD. Hopefully, they are have a lot to do with perfume and Grasse...

August 30th we're going to hold a draw for a wicked giveaway of 2 copies of Perfume: The Story of a Murderer DVD. All you need to do is either leave a comment during the summer on SmellyBlog, or place an order online from Ayala Moriel, and you will be entered automatically into the draw!

Click here for more details.

Corpse Flower

Corpse Flower 30-06-2007, originally uploaded by Ayala Moriel.

Now, on a far less pleasant note, I did find this corpse flower in the rhododendron garden earlier that Saturday... It's the first time I'm seeing it here at the rhododendron garden, which is usually known for far more pleasant habitants. In Israel, we have a much smaller variety which smells like old human feces. Just like this corpse flower you can see above, it also attracts flies (which it feeds on once they get caught in its juicy trap). I'd take that any day over the smell of this particular corpse flower.
And how did the one in the picture smell? Rotten fish! Now I can almost understand what Grenouille was trying to avoid by becoming a murderous perfumer... I'd do anything to avoid this stench, it was sickening and I could barely stand there long enough to take a few close up shots...
There were no rhododendrons left in the garden (except for one bush, which was not of a fragrant variety), so I had to run for my life after that and go straight to the sea... Grenouilles favourite smell until he got spoiled on virgin body odour... I'll stop now before I frighten myself too much!

P.s. I am not so sure that "Corpse Flower" is the accurate name for this particular variety. This is not the Titan arum although you must admit it has quite an impressive phallic centerpiece... If you have a clue of the true name and/or Latin name, please share it with me. I am sure it's a type of Amorphophallus, but the exact species, I am not sure...

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