

Tree of Mystery

Tree of Mystery, originally uploaded by Ayala Moriel.
The first time I encountered this tree was in east Vancouver, near Grandview elementary school. I was amazed at how closely it resembled orange blossom, though it has nothing to do with orange. It looks as if it belongs to the fabacea (or legumes) family, just like Spanish Broom, mimosa and Sweet Pea.
And indeed, it shares quite a bit of similarity to sweet pea as well – which I haven’t noticed before. Overall, it smells like a mélange of orange blossom, sweet pea, and a very indolic jasmine, to the point that you’d think there is some civet thrown in… only that this isn’t perfume! It’s a flower and there couldn’t possibly be any civet in there even if you tried hard to find it. Maybe in coffee, but not here…

Mysterious White Blossoms 01, originally uploaded by Ayala Moriel.
P.s. Thanks to my reader, Veronica, I now know the identity of the mystery tree: Robinia pseuodoacacia, aka Black Locust or Witte Acacia. Veronica, please email me so I can thank you properly with a mini of my mimosa perfume, Les Nuages de Joie Jaune.

According to W.A. Poucher's Perfumes, Cosmetics and Soaps (Vol. 1, p. 296): "Source: Natural. Flowers of Robinio pseudo-acacia, L. Leguminosae. The absolute is obtained by extraction with volatile solvents. Possesses an intense odour of the blossoms. Chemical: Contains indole, methyl antrhanilate, linalool, benzyl alcohol, heliotropin, and trepineol, with traces of aldehydes and ketones of peach odour". 

THE Rose Bush

Luscious Rose, originally uploaded by Ayala Moriel.

I have passed by this rose bush a million times, but perhaps it is only now, after 9 summers in the city, that I am starting to associate it with itself and with here and now – as opposed to the roses of my childhood (a rare and precious encounter, but nevertheless, it belonged only there for the longest time and seemed to have hard time moving on). These roses are just… perfect. Rosier than any other rose, with honeyed, full-bodied, wine-like presence. I’ve stopped by this rose bush so many times, ignoring the embarrassingly pitiful glances from by passers. Ignoring the laughter of those observing how difficult it is for me to move on, as my nose pulls me back into the deep velvety petals, my arms heavy with grocery bags and begging me to just move on and go straight home, but I can’t… In case you didn’t get it the first time – these roses smell perfect. Sigh…

Voluptious Rose, originally uploaded by Ayala Moriel.

Bleeding Hearts

Bleeding Hearts 03, originally uploaded by Ayala Moriel.

These strangely shaped flowers haven’t got a particularly special scent to them, at all. But their shape and their appearance every summer is something I am starting to look forward to. The wild ones are not as shapely, and they have a far more prominent spear than the heart itself (which is not as round as the cultivated variety). But they can be found deep in the forest, and there is something just downright romantic about their existence. I want to make a perfume named after them for a long time. In fact I did, at certain point. But it’s not the right one. Yet.


Lilac, originally uploaded by Ayala Moriel.

There are so many different lilacs here. Different colours, different sizes of clusters. Maybe this particular one isn’t exactly lilac either. But it sure smells like one. And against the pale blue sky, it is starting to become a symbol of summer for me. In a cheerful way, and without all the misty, dewy and a bit melancholy aspects that lilac can sometimes have on me.

Seaweed and Seasalt

Raccoon Ocean 03, originally uploaded by Ayala Moriel.

The salty air is what I miss the most about the ocean in my home country. It is so cold during most of the year, and there is no saltiness reflecting from the water. If you didn’t have a map, you’d think it was a river or a lake, not the Pacific ocean. The water is not even all that salty here to being with (it does not burn your eyes so much if you manage to get pass the freezing temperature and jump in). Heat makes the water warmer and their scent changes. Particularly so with ocean water. The seaweed and the salt lend their fragrance to the rays of the glowing sun. It takes just a little bit more sun, and than the scent of seaweed and salt is unleashed form its oceanic prison. Even the raccoons seem to like it!

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