Haven't got to really enjoy this Channukah... So much to do in so little time between shows and events. I just lit the candles with my lovely, super helpful and patient daugther after she and my brother helped me move into the
One Of A Kind Show. My brother even cooked dinner (amazing pasta with garlic fried zucchinis) that night so I can finish packing and do inventory control before we head to the new and beautiful convention centre to set up the new shop for the next 4 days. It was surreal to enter the new convention centre in the space where the show takes place - it looked like a made up microcosmos of all things beautiful and creative; each booth like a little planet of its own and so beautifully set. Everyone was wearing those safety vests in case the place gets completely black-outed and it was just so bizzarre... The overall jet-lag feeling I've been experiencing (from not having much sleep and working day and nights for 4 weeks) contributed to the surreality of the experience - and it did feel like a strange airport, in a very unknown yet beautiful land.
Yesterday was the holiday soiree at
House of Jewels, where patrons enjoyed some wine, cheese, the company of some local designers and the lovely Nadene, Leslie and Precia who are always so fun, helpful and generous. And everything was 20% off which was really great, because I could also take advantage of the situation and get myself a new holiday dress, by a local designer, of course :-)
I always enjoy meeting new people, and see their reaction to my perfumes - there is usually an element of surprise. And I am always especially pleased to see gentlemen get won over by scents they never imagined they will like (or more so: finding out that they actually can enjoy and appreciate scent). Last night, the most unusual thing happened though: a gentleman bought himself a bottle of
Roses et Chocolat parfum. Now, that's what I consider a small victory for perfume-kind.
From now on light will grow stronger, and winter's darkness will be chased away in no time...
I'm thrilled to be right next to my friend Jolanta who will be selling her beautiful leather bags (from rescued, reclaimed and recycled leather), and to have the help of my friend Tina (she's the elf who always does all your shipping when I go to real faraway lands) and my intern
Monique who's been studying perfumery with me for 3 years now.
And until Sunday night, you will likely not hear much from me here (except for mobile updates through my
Facebook fanpage - please do join!) as I will be busy manning my show as well as ensuring that all online orders go out in time for Christmas!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone