The Mood of Chypre

“These perfume users view themselves as being harmonious, well-balanced individuals, who rarely have unhappy or depressive moods. All in all, they are satisfied with themselves and with their lives. They are realistic in their thinking and put less stock in their luck and more in their own deeds. When problems arise, these women do not attempt to avoid them, but solve them in a practical, uncomplicated manner, and display self-confidence in doing so. These perfume users are keenly interested in the people around them, with emphasis centering on their private lives. They radiate human warmth and strength to their environment and appear to others as almost never being in a depressed mood. The users in this group enjoy providing others and are not infrequently very active in their community. In their desired lifestyle, these women do not have any interest in keeping up with fashion, in all of its varied manifestations. They love to look well cared for, and their clothing must always be suited to the occasion. In all matters, especially in the case of clothing, they display a pronounced sense of quality. Basically, there are not many very young women in this group of perfume users.” (Julia Muller, The Haarman & Reimer Book of Perfume)
These are generalizations, of course. However, I can’t help but feel the connection between the scent of Chypre and the effect it has on the mind. In my experience, Chypre bring a feeling of confidence, calm, sensuality, and a general feeling of well being and balance. Chypres are like a little black dress that never goes out of fashion and always fits the occasion (hopefully the size still fits too). Chypre means chic.