Smudging is a ceremonial practice, that technically involves a direct burning of a single plant. The most primordial way of enjoying aromatics, is that of simply lighting them afire which in turn will release a thick, aromatic smoke. The most ancient way of doing this is by using a single raw aromatic, that is on its own combustible. It is, essentially, like burning a little fire (controlled and contained), of either a bundle of dried herbs, or a chunk of wood. This can be done either ceremonially, or for fumigation purposes (for example, as an insect repellent).
The most known culture to use this technique to this day are the First Nations of North America: in their smudging ceremonies, local botanicals such sage, sagebrush, cedar leaf, western red cedar, and sweetgrass are used for clearing a space and preparing it for a ritual, to cleanse the aura of a person, and for healing. A similar tradition and technique is used in Central America with Palo Santo chips. But these are not the only cultures that use this technique for multiple healing, ceremonial and cleansing purposes.
Because these plants are only partially combustible, it is best to use a feather or a fan during the burning, to aerate the incense and continue its burn. This method is especially suitable for open spaces and the outdoors, where the wind can also help continue the burn. Additionally, the smoke can be quite strong and leave a scorched after-smell, which does not function as an "environmental scent" per se; rather they create an atmosphere of healing with the Earth's gifts and medicines, creating an overall sense of well-being.
In our Smudging collection, we've included not only herbal smudging wands, bound together by a dried leaf that Ayala weaves around the wand; but also some of our herbal incense cones, which can be used for fumigating or cleansing a space.
When my passion for incense and weaving come together: Incense wands from medicinal herbs from the mountain, bound with botanical fivers from magical leaves from my garden.
Selection of fragrance changes, depending on the season. Currently:
Sage (Salvia trilobia):
Biblical Hyssop, aka Za'atar (Origanum Syriacum)
Artemisia (Wormwood)
Sharp Varthemia