

Sniffapalooza Magazine Interivews Persephenie & Reviews Sahleb Perfume

The March 1st issue of Sniffapalooza Magazine is out, featuring two interesting pieces that are related to yours truly:
An interview with natural perfumer Persephenie Snyder, the founder of Blunda in Los Angeles - where natural perfumes, art and education happen all under one roof and is hosting an 8-months long event of perfume exhibitions.
Ayala Moriel will be there April 17-19; Saturday April 18 being an afternoon tea with Q&A and showcasing my contribution to last spring's Perfume Inside a Poem project.

And lastly, Michelyn Camen's article Comforting Scents for Uncomfortable Times features my Sahleb perfume.

Blunda Seasonal Exhibition December 15

For those of you in greater LA - don't miss this unique event, where art meets perfume. There will be a new perfume to Blunde that night - Palas Atena in an oil form. The goddess of wisdom and war would sure be happy to join Tamya and Espionage for a Finjan-full of darkly brewed coffee... All four in a highly concentrated oil form (30% essence) and are just exquisite.
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