

Eden Botanicals New Website

Pure essential oils supplier Eden Botanicals has just launched their new website. Besides looking so inviting and being organized and user-friendly, there are some additions to the content.

On the essential oil pages you can find some of the ad copy that your humble self has contributed to the site with introductions to each portion of the aromatic alphabet. Hopefully, having more educational and informative content on this website will contribute to the understanding and preservation of the arts of natural perfumery and aromatherapy.

It's been a very interesting project and there is still more to come, including several articles about the art of perfumery, detailed descriptions of the oils how to use them in perfumery and aromatherapy, and last but not least - formulas for using these precious essences for creating your own personal perfumes, scented body and home products and aromatherapy synergies and remedies.

Eden currently carries around 170 different oils, and completing the project of writing descriptions for all of the oils will take a while longer. Be sure to check the website for more updates in the future. They really are one of the finest suppliers of natural raw materials and are an excellent resource for smaller-scale independent businesses that want to incorporate pure, high quality natural raw aromatics to their product lines.

Two Birds in One Shot

Perfume Bottles, originally uploaded by Ayala Moriel.

I'm not in the habit in neither shooting nor killing birds, but I sure felt victorious when I managed to simultaneously get all my flacons packaged for Portobello West this weekend, AND take photos of them all for the website. Phew!
Now I just need to wait for some bugs to be fixed so I can upload them and the rest of the copy. I'm am hoping to go live this weekend, but with Portobello West happening, and a very special guest coming from out of town, it may not be launched until next week.

Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum, originally uploaded by missha.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vivamus vel neque eget metus sollicitudin porta. Donec pellentesque. Donec sagittis tincidunt magna. Nunc laoreet, diam quis accumsan commodo, metus dui aliquet neque, vulputate euismod mauris leo eget neque. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vestibulum eget mauris. Morbi lacus diam, suscipit posuere, viverra quis, dignissim sit amet, nisi. Quisque in tortor a odio accumsan faucibus. Duis a mi. Integer fringilla tempus metus.

Nulla blandit diam vel velit. Sed eget orci eu massa mollis aliquam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vivamus vitae eros gravida quam pulvinar sollicitudin. Vestibulum viverra varius libero. Mauris vel magna. Vivamus auctor lorem nec nibh. Aliquam fermentum vehicula dolor. Maecenas non lectus. Donec et diam.

Vestibulum in odio id eros consectetuer molestie. Nam et erat vulputate lacus pharetra consequat. Nam vestibulum, orci sed elementum luctus, ipsum est facilisis lacus, in lobortis leo lacus nec ligula. Suspendisse in lacus id sapien dictum vulputate. In ipsum est, lobortis eu, egestas ullamcorper, facilisis ut, nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla aliquet. Sed pellentesque massa a ligula. Duis dapibus pellentesque nunc. Mauris imperdiet. Integer sapien odio, pharetra in, aliquet nec, cursus non, elit. Cras convallis rhoncus quam. Fusce quis nisi ut nulla porta blandit. Pellentesque eu ipsum. Ut dictum viverra arcu. Sed id enim sodales nunc sodales lacinia.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Quisque ultricies ante a quam. Donec ac tortor id nibh vestibulum consectetuer. Aenean suscipit varius lectus. Donec consequat suscipit lectus. Vestibulum fringilla. Morbi elementum pede non mi. Nam vulputate augue sed nulla. Fusce sit amet eros sed pede bibendum commodo. Nullam imperdiet bibendum pede. Vestibulum dictum nibh a libero. Nam porttitor eros at leo.

Sed eu mi in ipsum pellentesque interdum. Aenean blandit. Sed volutpat. Nunc porta. Duis adipiscing nisi vel leo. Phasellus cursus lorem in pede. Maecenas augue. Nulla eget ligula in erat accumsan vulputate. Morbi cursus, metus ut hendrerit elementum, leo sapien iaculis lorem, at ultricies arcu magna id nisi. Fusce viverra, mauris ac eleifend scelerisque, massa ligula aliquet augue, vestibulum gravida felis orci at neque. Praesent ut magna ac lacus feugiat rhoncus. Sed magna. Phasellus volutpat ultrices nisl. Pellentesque quis arcu non libero sodales aliquet. Quisque vel mauris. In vehicula tortor et nisi. Phasellus rutrum massa in ante. Donec in tortor. In bibendum.

If you've read this far, you'll know what I'm doing now... Yes, it's that time again. New website. It's in the Lorem ipsum, AKA beta stage. Which means that I have LOTS of data to enter. LOTS of photos to take, process and upload. Thankfully, the copy itself is already written. Tune in next week to ayalamoriel.com for a completely new look! Until than, it's more likely than not that I will not be posting here much. In the meantime, feel free to visit this website and learn more about Lorem ipsum.

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