

Must Read: Olfactory Journey Around the World - by Anastasia Deniskova

Join Anastasia Deniskova (aka Muza who comments frequently on SmellyBlog) and inidie noses for an around-the-world olfactory journey, where each perfumer introduces you to their city and paint an olfactory portrait of it.
I'm thrilled to be traveling with wonderful talents such as Anna Zworykina, Andy Tauer, Bogdan Zubchenko, Francesco van Eerd, Geoffrey Nejman, Neil Morris, Oliver Valverde Risquez, and yours truly.
9 perfumers, 9 cities - enjoy your trip!

Must Read: Smelliest Cities In The World

Humans have been lead by their noses to travel across the world to seek out exotic spices, herbs and perfumes. This article by Chandler Burr on GQ Magazine reminded me of the part of traveling which is least mentioned - the smell of mundane life in distant cities - or in familiar ones.

I haven't been to all of the ones listed, but my own list will certainly include Jerusalem (Ancient stones and dust, baked bread and cotton clothes on the lines), Montreal (all I can say is that it smells wide open and free - which is a sign I should pay it a visit soon!), and London (which I think Chandler has described very accurately! It's very sentimental, old fashioned smelling, with old furniture, flower gardens and everything British). Paris is certainly not the best smelling, which might explain why it had evolved into such an important perfume-using capital... And neither are New York and Tel Aviv, although that wouldn't stop me for visiting either again and having a wonderful time there.

What are your most favourite - and least favourite - smelling cities? Can you describe their smell?

Fragrant Decade: Ten Trends that Marked 2000-2009

The decade opening the third millennium, although hasn’t attained a universally accepted name, was certainly a fragrant one. With the releases of well over 5,000 perfumes (an average of over 500 fragrances each year, according to Basenotes.net), and the rise of many new niche perfume houses, it certainly gives consumers and fragrance aficionados a lot to choose from. We all know that quantity does not guarantee, and often undermines quality. Thankfully, in the past decade we have witnessed some trends that counterbalance quantity with quality and originality, and a few other interesting trends that prove that consumers can finally receive what they ask for and rightfully deserve.

So let’s examine the ten most important trends and influences in the fragrance world in this past decade.

Visit The Examiner to read the remaining of this article.
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