

The Smell of Blackout

'Actor Monkey' by ;-) SHAGGY
'Actor Monkey', a photo by ;-) SHAGGY on Flickr.

Happy April Fool’s Day!
I hope you weren’t the victims to any nasty April Fool’s Day tricks like I’ve witnessed tonight – a bar tender was serving saltwater instead of a simple syrup all night long, completely oblivious to the trick… everything he concocted turned out like pickle juice… Yuck!
I totally admire that he took it with a sense of humour, which I very much doubt I would have after all the drinks that were returned with disgusted/disappointed faces...

For today’s Monkey Monday’s giveway, I’m hoping you could help me solve the mystery behind the intense horseradish scent that pops into my nose before every time I black out (I had the pleasure of experiencing many of these in my lifetime – but don’t worry – I’m perfectly healthy!). It certainly helps as a warning sign, so I can sit it out rather than crash to the floor… Anyone else with a similar experience, or is it just me being the odd one?

The person who helps me solve this riddle will win a sample of LesNez’ 2nd installation in their Turtle Vetiver Series – Turtle Vetiver Front.

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