Lots of New Soaps!

Since the lockdowns began, I've been working feverishly to restock my beloved soap bars, and add new offerings. Aside from tried and true favourites such as Vetiver Racinettes soap and Beach Lily, you will now find colourful soaps that smell and look good enough to eat, such as Black Licorice, Khulnejan, Film Noir. More recently I've also added scent-free soap infused with organic edibles such as fruit and veggies I've harvested and pureed myself, including Pumpkin (with nourishing pumpkin seed oil), Mango & Kombucha, Carrot, Mulberry (enhanced with proteins from Ahimza silk), yummy and gentle facial soaps such as Carrot & Chamomile, Cucumber & Aloevera (both green-grass-scented, and unscented), Banana & Poppyseed, Halva soap with sesame milk, and one of my absolute new favourites scented soap - Bird of Paradise soap, with mango butter, coconut milk, and fresh organic papaya and turmeric root, and so much more.
The pic below is of one of my baskets (woven from pomegranate shoots), filled with colourful soap bars.
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