The sun made an appearance today, for the first day of summer in Vancouver. Here, in the city of moderate climate and continuous

rain showers, summer can is measured not in months but in days. Those very few days in which the ocean is warm enough to emit the mysterious aroma of salt and seaweed, and the forest floors are dry enough to reveal the scent of long-rotten coniferous foliage and crumbled red cedar. It’s also time for the wild roses to bloom and all together this is the best perfume that can be produced on the West Coast – warm and rustic, woody and smooth like the trunk of an old arbutus tree.

The photos here were actually taken yesterday, in Lighthouse Park in West Vancouver. A great place to get off track and get lost... My complaints of the lack of sun should not be taken seriously, as it only required 30 minutes of sitting on a rock in the sun and having a little picnic for me to get dehydrated, and remind me with a pumping headache how summer in Israel must feel. Better start practicing as I will be going there again this August.
Appropriately and punctually, Le Parfum de Therese arrived in my mailbox, all intact (the

former two little bottles I got earlier this month crashed completely on the way, the envelope in which they arrived in impregnated with the chic perfume – you wanted to bite into the bubble wrap as it smelled so good!
Thank you Scarlett for getting this to me, Therese will make my summer complete!