

  • Grasse's Perfume Museum Re-Opens

Grasse's Perfume Museum Re-Opens

Visit Business 24/7 to read about the re-opening of Grasse's infamous perfume museum, featuring artifacts from Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia and, of course, France from as far back as Medieval times.

"The chronological, interactive and olfactory – sense-driven – tour of perfumery is presented along three main fragrance themes: seduction, healing and communication".
Sounds just like my cup of tea!

The collection includes every perfumista's dream:
"The collection's centrepiece is an 80-kilogramme "travel" vanity case once owned by Marie-Antoinette, the French queen arguably best remembered for her extravagant tastes.

Fashioned out of mahogany and leather, the case is riddled with compartments and drawers containing brushes and gadgets necessary for the young queen's elaborate beauty regime".
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