Aromatherapeutic Basic Care Kit

As you can tell from the picture, the basic care kit includes lavender, tea tree, peppermint, geranium, rosemary, thyme, lemon and clove. Below are just the highlights of the functions of these potent oils:
Excellent for healing burns, an antiseptic and can be used neatly on the skin to treat cuts, bites, wounds, etc. as it "promotes healing and prevents scaring" (p. 20) and also aids digestion.
It also alleviates headaches, and has a positive effect on the mind in emotional situations such as shock, depression and anxiety and helps to get a good night's rest.
Tea Tree:
A highly effective non-poisonous antiseptic that takes care of all three types of infections: virus, bacteria and fungi. Really excellent for treating a variety of ailments, including yeast infections and fungi, acne, toothache, sunburn and more.
Most known for its help in digestion problems and nausea, treating headache and migraines and aiding the respiratory system. It also helps in flu, toothache, fatigue and keeping pests away, including mice and ants.
Known first and foremost for its calming and anti-inflammatory properties, for both joint pain and various skin conditions (eczema, psoriasis, sensitive skin...). It's excellent for calming babies and children, and also soothing teething babies or ones who suffer from colic and diarrhea.
Extremely versatile oil, eucalyptus is an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antiviral and helps with many different conditions, including chest and head colds, sinusitis, coughs, etc. It also has deodorizing properties and helps cool-off in the summer as well as used as an insect repellent.
Rose geranium not only smells wonderful, it also has marvelous therapeutic benefits. It is a nerve tonic and a sedative; helps women in menopause and with uterine problems (i.e.: endometriosis)and is a wonderful addition to skin care products as it rejuvenates the skin and can “make chilblains disappear overnight” (p. 21).
Stimulates the body and the brain, and helps in treating aching muscles, arthritis, sprains, etc. It also helps the memory and cure headaches; and being an antiseptic it is great for coughs and flu. It is a wonderful addition to haircare products, strengthening the keeping the sculp clean, as well as help combat acne and oily skin.
Thyme is a very potent oil and should be used very carefully. Some thymes are safer to use – i.e. s Thyme ct. linalool (the only kind that can be used for children). It is a very powerful antiviral oil, and also antiseptic, antibiotic and diuretic. When used to scent the room (i.e.: in a diffuser), it can help keep colds away during the winter time. It can also help the body cleanse itself from toxins. And it is particularly helpful in keeping insects and parasites away. Should always be diluted before use on the skin.
While lemon is very much loved for its flavour and aroma in foods, it is particularly effective when added to synenrgies. It can be added to many synerngies, including treating insect bites, cellulite and slimming potions, reducing headaches, getting rid of planter warts, and in wrinkles-reducing skin care.
Famous for its analgesic properties at the dentist, clove oil is not just for alleviating toothaches; but also helps to prevents diseases and infections. Also a very potent oil that can easily irritate the skin and should always be diluted before applying to the skin. Disinfectant and also helps with digestion and muscular problems.
With all that being said, it's important to stress that each oil is used differently for different scenarios and conditions. One can't assume that all oils would be used the same way for all ailments. There are many ways to use essential oils - in compresses, baths, steam inhalations, diffused into the air, in massages (added to oil, usually), and only in very rare cases are they ingested or applied neat on the skin.
The book offers many recipes and formulas for synergies for various first aid scenarios, including abdominal pain, abscesses, athlete's foot, burns, catarrh, coughs, constpiation, fever, headache, insect bites, sinusites, sties, tothaches, etc.
It's important to follow the instructions carefully as overdose of essential oil may be counter effective. Oils work gently on the body when used properly; but they are highly concentrated compounds and should be used with much care and respect for their precious power. Keep in mind that each drop may represent as much as a kilo of plants that were distilled!