Portobello West Today!

It's been busy couple of weeks for me, teaching perfumery for 6 days straight here at my studio. But obviously there is no rest for the wicked, and I will be at Porotbello West all day today, so this is just a quick reminder to the locals among you (local meaning Vancouver BC area...) and hopefully you will be able to make it here!
There are more details about how to get there here and on other participating vendors there. And if you miss this market, the next one is October 25th. Portobello West occurs on the last Sunday of every month, except in November, December and March it's a full weekend market, both Saturday & Sunday - meaning even less rest than none (for the wicked, that is).
The only special thing today is that I will be bringing my chai incense cones for sale, an experimental batch so the price will be an introductory one. See you soon!