

  • Media Clips: LivingBC, NaturalPerfumery.ru
  • Anna ZworykinaAyala Moriel ParfumsCustom PerfumeGift GuideLivingBCNaturalPerfumery.ruReviewsValentine's Day

Media Clips: LivingBC, NaturalPerfumery.ru

Ayala Moriel's custom perfumes and ready-to-wear fragrances have been featured on p. 12 of LivingBC's Vancouver Valentine's Day Gift Guide

Also, visit NaturalPerfumery.ru to read Anna Zworykina's peer reviews of the following Ayala Moriel perfumes: Rainforest, Schizm, Fetish and Bois d'Hiver. Anna's writing style is as poetic as her perfumes!

Last but not least - some of our newest perfumes, soaps and the beard oils and hair oils are now on MakeUpAlley, so you can add your own reviews and impressions. Please do - we rely 100% on your word of mouth, and it's thanks to you, customers and readers, that I can continue doing what I do.
  • Anna ZworykinaAyala Moriel ParfumsCustom PerfumeGift GuideLivingBCNaturalPerfumery.ruReviewsValentine's Day
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