
Ayala Moriel Parfums

Varthemia Tea


Ayala Moriel Parfums

Varthemia Tea


Wild harvested Varthemia and Zutta (Micromeria fruiticosa) - wild white mint - that not only smell delicious but also have health benefits - calming and with positive influence on the heart, as well as a good all-around antimicrobial actions and aiding digestion. Most importantly: It smells and tastes heavenly! Here it is blended with black Ceylon and Assam teas, to make it full-bodied and suitable for a morning cup of tea or an afternoon treat. Drink on its own, or with milk and/or wild, local, unpasteurized honey. 

Ingredients: Ingredients: Black Tea/Thé Noir, Varthemia (Chiliadenus iphionoides)*, Three-Lobed Sage (Salvia fruticosa)*, White leaved savory (Micromeria fruticosa)*

* Wild harvested

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