

Contest Reminder!

Don't forget to enter Ayala's Perfume Review Contest! The more reviews you post on Basenotes and Make Up Alley, the more chances you have to win one of three cool prizes - Pure Parfums or a Perfumed Pendant from Ayala Moriel!

For more details visit our original Perfume Review Contest announcement.

Also, don't forget to post comments on SmellyBlog this month. Each comment means a contribution of $1 to Autism Community Training in BC. We hope that you will also get inspired to contribute to autism organizations in your community. Money is not the only way to contribute: increasing awareness to neurological disorders and other developmental conditions and sharing your stories if you know people with autism or other disabilities is not any less important. Poeple with disabilities are part of our community and contribute to it just as much as people without disability!

Perfume Shopping with Little Duckling & A Guessing Game

A little while ago, I went perfume sniffing with Tamya and we went to The Bay – the only place in Vanouver where you can find Annick Goutal’s line. Now, Tamya is about the funniest person to go perfume shopping with. Although I know she can smell, she doesn’t really know how to do it, if you know what I mean… She usually blows on the object for sniffing (flower, scent stripe, perfume bottle, etc.) rather than inhale. I find it super funny and super cute, like everything she does really. And since this is her special month, I don’t mind flaunting it proudly on my blog…

So, on the circular table, there stand the entire Annick Goutal line. And Tamya is with me, doing pretty much what I do (spritzing cards and blowing her nose on them LOL). All of a sudden, I notice she is doing something she never done before in a perfume store: she opens one of those lovely Goutal crystal bottles, and she sprays some on her wrist!
Needless to say she smelled divine, the scent was gentle and pretty on her little wrists and I have to keep asking her for a sniff… The next time we went Goutal sniffing, she did the same thing, with the same fragrance. Mommy is tempted to get her a bottle, obviously.

Now, you get to guess the fragrance, and you will win a sample of the mystery perfume and a miniature 2ml bottle of Tamya parfum!
I am going to give you one hint though: it is NOT Songes. This scent haven’t made it to Canada yet. It could be anything else though…
For every comment or guess on this post, I will be donating $1 to Autism Community Training in BC.

The Five Stages of Loss

The 5 Stages of Grief (or Loss)
Denial (this isn't happening to me!)
Anger (why is this happening to me?)
Bargaining (I promise I'll be a better person if...)
Depression (I don't care anymore)
Acceptance (I'm ready for whatever comes)

When a child is diagnosed with a disability, the parents often go through a similar process to that of grieving – also know as The Five Stages of Loss (or Grief). There is a lot of variation in how the process is experienced: some experience every single stage, some don’t; some stages may last years, other may last only a day or two. It’s really different from one individual to the other.

Learning that your child is “not what you thought s/he is” is more difficult than it seems from the outside. You have to say goodbye not only to the dreams (and unfortunately also expectations) for your child’s future, but also let go of all that you thought they were until this point. Their behaviours all of a sudden bare a different explanation. You think you understood and knew your child, and all of a sudden you don’t.

It’s interesting to note, that once your child grows up, and gains enough conscious to understand that they are different – they in fact will go through a similar process. I can’t speak about the process from this point of view, but you can read stories like that, for instance this story I found on the internet from the point of view of a young lady who has a learning disability, and also this article that talks about the process of accepting one's diability.

I would like to share with you the process I went through with my daughter diagnosis, from a young mother’s point of view.

Through her first two years, Tamya seemed to develop like all typical babies do. For the most part. She seemed to be a happy baby, and for the most part followed the main developmental milestones and reached most of the main ones at the average age: she smiled at 6 weeks, turned fron side to side around 3 months, was sitting at 6 months, crawling at 8 months, and learned how to walk when she was one year old. The things that were a bit unusual were very subtle, and could be only discovered in retrospect, knowing that indeed she did have autism: lack of interest in toys in general, fear of furry animals, grinding teeth, and certain vaguely autistic responses to social cues (i.e.: she did not wave goodbye). At the age of 18 months and on, Tamya was curiously walking the opposite direction when we were going on walks, or would walk at least 10 meters ahead of us (unawareness of danger), and was also extremely fascinated by chasing her shadow and going up and down stairs.

At 18 months some of our family members started to express concern for Tamya’s development. She went through elaborate medical examination to see if anything is missing in her diet, etc. We kept thinking that she is fine, as for the most part she seems to be developing normally, and she was also very communicative (thanks to the tremendously expressive saucer-size eyes she’s got). Her attentive and intelligent observation completely fooled us to think that she is probably going to start talking like nothing has happened any day now. This seemed to make sense, because the way she learned how to walk was very slow and cautious. She never fell: when she sensed loss of balance, she gradually lowered her bottom and sat down, until she perfected her walking skills.

The shit has finally hit the fan when she started daycare at the age of three. It wasn’t so much the language that alarmed and worried her teacher, it was more her perseveration and her unawareness of danger. Tamya spent her first month in daycare opening and closing drawers, flicking lights, playing with the curtains, and trying to find the exists through which she can escape daycare and be left alone without those demanding adults!

After about a month in daycare, her teacher couldn’t keep her worries to herself, and she just told us, bluntly and courageously, that she is really worried, and from her experience from another child she educated – she thinks that Tamya had autism. You can imagine my rage: “how dare she think that MY child, who has the most intensely expressive EYE CONTACT could POSSIBLY have AUTISM???!!!”. But it only took about two more weeks to get over that outrageous anger as well as mistrust (after all, who is that teacher anyways? She is not a doctor, she is not en expert, she doen’st have the right to diagnose my child!!!”).

Than the worries and the fears started sinking in real fast. Is our daughter going to keep wearing diapers for the rest of her life? Is she going to ever talk? Is she going to have a good life? Do we still love her the same way? It was an emotional roller-coaster, that we couldn’t handle for too long…

Two weeks later, we woke up at 6 in the morning for an emergency meeting with a child and family psychiatrist who happened to speak my native tongue and also have the talent to calm people down and give them reasonable and logical solutions in the most stressful situations.

However, a few more weeks later, Tamya’s biological father (than my husband) took off and went back to Israel, and I became a single mother to a child that had no diagnosis yet. So I had to go through the process of grieving in two parallel avenues – the one related to the loss of the relationship, and the other to the loss of who I thought my daughter was until now. The reason I am telling you this is not so that you think that I am such a courageous and strong woman (usually the response I get from people when they hear my story). I am telling you this because it is very common that families break when a child in the family is diagnosed with a disability. The stress, fear, worries and tension it adds to relationships is enormous, as if raising children and maintaining a relationship isn’t challenging enough as it is. It’s a real test for the strength of a relationship, and parents should get all the support they can get and need in order to keep their family intact and attend to their own personal needs and maintain a certain level of sanity.

From this point on, for about at least a year if not two, I lived constantly in the two stages of both extreme depression and worry on one side, and a constant bargaining with the systems – so that my daughter would get all the support she is entitled to – the community health nurse got involved, came for home visits and gave me tips for increasing language and managing behaviours, an occupation therapist came on board almost instantly after than, we got assessed for speech therapy right away as well, and by May, we started receiving weekly speech therapy sessions through the Centre for Ability.

As you see, I spent very little time in the other phases. I really didn’t have much time. I am a practical woman (especially when it comes to taking care of my loved ones), and so within two months after the “breaking news” from the daycare teacher, I had almost all the services available lined up for my daughter, and she was on the shortest waiting lists all the time. I just wouldn’t have let her postpone her “getting better” anymore than I did when I was denying her condition before. There was a huge element of guilt there too. I should perhaps add GUILT as a stage in the process, as it is experienced by most parents to children with special needs. You always feel that you should have done better, if you only didn’t or did do this, or that, your child would have been better off now… It’s a frustrating, disharmonic feeling that can either freeze and paralyze to depression and numbness, or it can make you push yourself and everybody else harder and achieve results. I tried to do the latter.

It wasn’t until Tamya was four that she was officially diagnosed with autism in Sunny Hill (a division of BC’s one and only Children’s Hospital). This was after she got ear tubes installed, and hearing impairment was ruled out as a factor in her language delay. At that point, I was prepared for the worst. I already knew she has some form of Autism, because she was informally diagnosed in a hospital in Israel a few months earlier in the winter (due to grandparent’s request, they couldn’t wait to have the diagnosis, where I ddin’t really care what she has as long as it’s getting treated!). Tamya got pretty much the worst diagnosis they could have possibly come up with, which none of her educators could agree with – severe autism, apraxia and a moderate cognitive delay. While we all knew she has autism (high functioning) and apraxia (dyslexia in speech and challenges in sequencing) cognitive impairment was out of the question. That girl is simply too cunning and intelligent for that. But labeling helps, apparently, in getting funding for therapy and help in the school system. As long as you see your child as a child and not as a walking example from the DSM-IV, and give them all the love they deserve multiplied by 100, labels can’t harm. In fact they prove to be effective sometimes when you need to explain why your child is saying the same thing over and over or throwing unexplained tantrums in public…

I think I have pretty much reached the stage of acceptance. I don’t feel guilty about denying my cild’s condition for the first suspicious year and a half, and my child is happy and gets what she needs to be healthy and reach her potential. I may need to go through similar phases when she grows up (as disabilities are a lot more apparent once a child grows up) and becomes a teen and than an adult. And even more difficult – when she becomes aware of her condition and goes through the grieving process herself. But I feel I am strong enough to accept what my fate has put on me and I woulnd’t exchange my child for a “normal” child for anything in the world. I can’t imagine my life would be nearly as wonderful as they are without her and without her charming yet sometimes frustrating autism.

Tamya Parfum - Blogala Special!

This is a reminder that Tamya parfum is now on sale for only $75, and that of each sale, $10 will be donated to Autism Community Training, a charitable society owned by parents of children with Autism, that provides autism training, education and workshops in British Columbia.

By buying Tamya perfume not only will you scent yourself with one of Ayala Moriel’s finest and most sought-after perfumes; you will also will contribute to a worthy cause!

Tamya is a mélange of pure jasmine sambac, frangipani, Japanese citron, ylang ylang, cedar and musk. It conjures up memories of the first Autumn crocuses and wild Mediterranean bluebells awakening by the first showers. The earth is covered by sprouting wild grass and the sunrays of sunset glow through the petals as they kiss the earth goodbye...

And don't forget to leave your comments on SmellyBlog's autism posts this weekend. For each post, I will be donating $1 to ACT.

Thank you for reading SmellyBlog! After Afgter 8 months of existence, we know that SmellyBlog is blessed with at least 100 unique readers per day!
All you need is to say hi. I know you are there... Don't hide!

Image credit: Sitvanit Hayore, Originally uploaded by Holy Land Essence

Etiology and Causes of Autism

The causes of autism are mostly a mystery. It is really difficult to tell what caused autism in each and every individual with autism. There is no known way yet to prevent autism from occurring. Similarly to Cancer, Autism is now thought to be many different diseases, set off by different causes, yet presenting certain similarities between the different cases of autism.

The term Autism was coined in the early 1940’s by Dr. Leo Kanner. Kanner defined the state in which schizophrenic patients behaved in a withdrawn manner, as autism. Throughout the 40’s until the 60’s, the medical community believed that children who presented autistic behaviours in fact had schizophrenia, and they also believed that it was a result of bad parenting and lack of bonding between the child and the mother (or the other caregivers). Of course this did not make parents feel too good about themselves and did not provide them with the tools to help their children.

Thankfully, this theory and approach was tossed out and replaced by others – and more importantly – a better understanding of the autistic mind and emotional state has been achieved. We may not know the exact causes for autism, but at least we know about a few things we can do to help autistic children to develop into their full potential as adults and decrease their suffering.

The rate of children diagnosed with autism is escalating: autism used to be found only in 1 child in 10,000. Six years ago, the rate was one to 1,000, and that has doubled into 1 every 500 children. Autism is now an epidemic judging by the numbers… However, some of the increase can be accounted for by the fact that the parameters for diagnosis have changes several times in the past decade.

The causes for autism could be one or more of the following:

There is no one gene that is known to cause autism. However, siblings to children with autism are more likely to present symptoms of autism than siblings of children without autism. Scientists hope, of course, to be able to prevent certain types of genetically caused autism (for instance: a research I recently read was about immune-system rejection in pregnant woman, that may have caused autism in their child; there may be a cure for that with adequate diagnosis prior to pregnancy and treatment during pregnancy to prevent the immune-system rejection of the embryo.

Environmental Causes
It is possible, though not proven, that certain children are pre-disposed at birth to have autism, and certain stimuli from the environment in infancy and early childhood bring out the symptoms.

Pollution and Exposure to Toxins
The many toxins in our environment could be the cause for autism. There is some research about connection between vaccines and autism, but it is not confirmed yet that vaccines cause autism. The scope of the effect of pollution is yet to be discovered…

Links to Other Conditions
Autism in some individuals is linked to other medical conditions, i.e.: Metabolic Disorders (i.e.: untreated Phenylketonuria), Congenital Infections, Genetyic Disorders (Fragile X, Tuberous Sclerosis), Dvelopmental Brain Abnormalities, and certain neurological disorders that can happen after birth. Also it might be linked to certain conditions in which the digestive system cannot break down certain enzymes, and these act as neurotransmitters which affect the development of the brain and its functions permanently.

There also seem to be a link between repeated ear infection and use of antibiotics, and the development of autism. There is a theory that the lining of the stomach gets affected by the antibiotics in a way that prevents the digestive system to properly break down certain proteins – and in return, a similar effect to what was described above may occur (i.e. proteins act as neurotransmitters and damage the brain and the nervous system).

The Right Brain Connection
Individuals with autism seem to have a dominant “right brain” which is quite obvious in the way in which they think. They also seem to process language in a different part of the brain than most people do. Autistic people are a lot more detail oriented, and have difficulty in understanding and developing symbols. Autistic people also have a larger brain than normal people. The brain seems to be swollen, especially in the front lobe and side lobes (which might explain why my daughter likes a lot of pressure on her head and forehead – perhaps it eases the brain pain?). We don’t know if the large brain causes autism, or is caused by autism. But we know that autistic people have a larger brain and that it’s not easy to live with a brain that is too large for the side of your skull!

An interesting theory I heard of only recently is that autism is caused by excessive release of testosterone in the mother’s blood stream during pregnancy (which is said to be caused by stress), and this causes autism (which also, interestingly, is described by the same researcher as an exaggerated form of “male brain”).

There are many theories, but none has been proven beyond doubt and to be honest – these are still to provide any satisfactory conclusion that will really make a significant change in the life, treatment, education or quality of living of autistic individuals and their families. We are still waiting for this to happen!

Online Resources about Causes for Autism
eMedical Health.com
Wrong Diagnosis.com

Next Week:
How to Deal with Diagnosis - The 5 Stages of Loss

Autism Treatment and Therapy

P.s. Please note that none of this short article is in any way scientific. I am just trying to summarize the many thing that I read, heard and learned during my almost decade of autistic motherhood… If you want the real nitty gritty research stuff, numbers and arguments – you can easily find them online or in your nearest university. I also do not intend on arguing about the causes of autism. I don’t have any theory. All I know is that none of theories really explains to me why my daughter has autism, and none is particularly helpful in finding ways to cure her or help her… I am thankful for the many educators and therapists, that with years of experience, have developed plenty of highly effective methods of educating children such as my daughter and helping them to become the best person they can be.
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